Have you tried our new medical directory search engine yet?

It features a more intuitive and easier-to-browse interface with which to easily find the medical professionals you need

Buscador cuadro médico
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As a DKV insured customer, you have more than 50,000 specialists and 1,000 medical centres to choose from across Spain, that is, one of the largest medical directories on the market, which now features a new search engine that has been graphically improved and includes new functionalities that will help you accurately find the medical professional you need.

You may have already tried it, but if you haven't, we encourage you to do so at the following link.


Buscador cuadro médico



Would you like to find out the improvements included in the new medical directory search engine?

Keep reading! These are the new features included in the medical directory in detail:

  • Semantic search engine for professionals, medical centres, hospitals and specialities, such as “dentist” instead of “dentistry”.

  • Specific access to query emergency centres.

  • Filtering in searches: online appointment, video consultation, leading healthcare professionals and centres.

  • Search by municipality and by distance in kilometres from the specified town/city.

  • Filtering of search results between medical centres or professionals.

  • Sorting of results based on parameters such as "DKV Featured", proximity, rating or most searched.

  • Display of results in box or map format.

  • Further information on healthcare professionals, including their specialities and the centres where they collaborate.

  • Notification of errors when you detect any error in the details of medical professionals.
