Are you going on a trip this holidays? We can help you out with this...

It's time for a getaway and to download your travel assistance certificate

Certificado viajes
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The Summer holidays are here, and with them, rest and celebrations, but also stress until you reach the desired destination. In fact, two of every five Spanish nationals suffer from stress when preparing their holidays, but at DKV we want to make it easy for you. How? By helping you with a procedure that is required for travelling to certain countries: the healthcare certificate abroad. It entitles you to receive assistance as long as your stay is less than 180 days, enough for a getaway... and two... and three...

Would you like to download your Travel Assistance Certificate? 

First, you must install the DKV Activa app on your mobile device.

Then, go to your profile's icon. Once there, in the "INSURANCE INFORMATION" section, select the "Your policy's certificates" option. Select the policy for which you want to receive the certificate and click on "Travel assistance".




Now, you just have to specify whom the certificate is for and add your travel dates. When done, it's ready! You will receive your travel assistance certificate in your email inbox.


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Which countries require a travel assistance certificate?

  • In Europe: Belarus.

  • In Africa: Algeria and the Seychelles Islands.

  • In Asia: Mongolia, Iran, Cambodia, Thailand, United Arab Emirates and Sri Lanka.

  • In North America, Central America and South America: San Martín, Aruba, Turks and Caicos Islands, Cuba, Brazil, Ecuador and Galápagos Islands.

How to receive medical assistance abroad

Remember, to receive medical assistance abroad, you must call +34 91 379 04 34, which appears on the back of your DKV health card, and we will tell you which centres or hospitals to go according to where you are.

You can download it here!


DKV Seguros


DKV Seguros