DKV life insurance policy is possible

Unlike other insurance companies, in our health insurance we are committed to always renewing your policy, regardless of the use you make of it and the age you have

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Lifetime policy

A commitment that means that as long as you want, your policy will be for life. If you have been with our health insurance policies for more than 3 years, we guarantee that your policy will not be cancelled.

We want to be always by your side. That's why, unlike other insurance companies, DKV includes a non-cancellation clause for reasons of age or use. Thus, your insurance policy will remain in force regardless of how old you are or how much you use your policy.

What we offer you as a DKV policyholder 

As a DKV health insurance policyholder you can enjoy a wide range of quality medical care.

The digital health app Quiero cuidarme Más with which we offer you:

  • Symptom checker 

  • Virtual consultations with general practitioners, specialists and even psychologists (chat, call or video consultation). 

  • Access to the medical directory and online appointments 

  • Health coach 

  • Digital midwife 

  • My health diary 

  • Health portfolio 

  • Electronic prescription 

  • Request for medical tests 

  • Use of services for minors in the policy

  • Digital card 

  • Psychological counseling via chat Monitoring of your health indicators

  • Request information on second medical opinion

The management of your policy through the Client Area and the request of reimbursements without leaving home. You can perform all these actions online. 

Download the free DKV Reembolso app and you can do it from your cell phone, simply, quickly and without having to go to the branch or send any email.

DKV Health and Wellness Club, from which you can take advantage of multiple offers in exclusive services (genetic tests, footprint studies, pediatric consultations, nutrition...). 

At DKV we will always be by your side, even when you need us most!
