Have you received the green dose that your mind and body need?

The benefits of being in contact with nature are countless: it reduces stress, anxiety and insomnia, improves cognition...

Dosis de Naturaleza
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We've become urban animals. Entire societies that live in the so-called concrete jungle. Buildings, long avenues, tube stations, traffic, stress. Do you remember the last time you took a long walk in a park or green space? I'm sure you remember the peace and quiet. It seems like we’ve turned a biological necessity into a luxury. The long list of benefits of connecting to nature isn't an accident, it's in our essence as biological beings. We've made the essential an exception. And at DKV we want to turn this around!

We want less concrete and more green; we want to provide you with a tool that reminds you of the importance of returning to our origins. And that's Nature Dose.

The Más cuenta function of the Quiero cuidarme Más app features geolocation technology and satellite data on vegetation cover in order to count the amount of time you spend in green spaces. But its purpose isn't to produce a mere indicator. The aim is that it supports you in your day-to-day, using these measurements to provide you with personalised details on nature exposure and to help you build a new healthy habit in the environment.

How does Nature Dose help you improve your healthy lifestyle habits?

Science has already demonstrated that spending time in nature improves our health. Nature Dose helps you build a new healthy lifestyle habit by measuring your exposure to nature. This won’t only motivate you to improve your relationship and contact with it, but also provide you with related indicators that allow finding out the impact it's having on your health, based on the parameters used by science. Yes, Nature Dose is based on scientific evidence that correlates health with nature.

For example, you can obtain data including the history of your green steps (daily, weekly and monthly), assess your exposure to nature by comparing it with previous records or other users' records or receive suggestions on how to improve and increase the frequency with which you immerse yourself in natural environments. You can now try this tool in your Quiero cuidarme Más app!
