Physiotherapy sessions without leaving home? Where should I click?

If you're still not aware of all the possibilities offered by our online physiotherapy service, read on! 

Fisioterapia online app Quiero cuidarme Más

From our Quiero cuidarme Más digital health app, you can access the online physiotherapy service, a telerehabilitation programme including physiotherapy sessions without having to leave home. 

The service runs on ReHub, a platform developed by the Catalan emerging company DyCare, which already has a long record of success in the remote treatment of conditions such as lumbago, neck pain and shoulder injuries. 

ReHub has already treated over 5,000 patients, 68% of whom have successfully completed their therapy, receiving more than 36,000 sessions in total. 

How to access the service 

1. From the application, a team of physiotherapists specialising in digital rehabilitation will contact you and assess your health via a video consultation. 

2. Do you need a monitored, active exercise programme? If so, you'll be provided access to the ReHub digital platform, and your specialist will create a personalised plan of up to five weeks exclusively for you. 

3. Thanks to the mobile's camera and the platform's artificial intelligence algorithms, your physiotherapist can teach and correct the execution of the exercises in real time. 

4. You'll also enjoy an unlimited chat and video call service to contact at any time a team of specialists that won't hesitate in advising you. 

Download the application and start today! 




A team of physiotherapists specialising in digital rehabilitation will contact you and assess your health via a video consultation. 


Do you need a monitored, active exercise programme? If our specialists detect so, you'll be provided access to the ReHub digital platform, and your specialist will create a personalised plan of up to five weeks exclusively for you. 


Thanks to the mobile's camera and the platform's artificial intelligence algorithms, your physiotherapist can teach and correct the execution of the exercises in real time. 


You'll enjoy an unlimited chat and video call service to contact the specialists at any time. 

Download the "Quiero cuidarme Más" app


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DKV Seguros