Five DKV medical professionals, among the most prestigious in the country

Your health in the best hands 

Cuadro médico reputado
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At DKV, we are committed to continue improving your healthcare day by day. A telling example is the effort we make to keep growing the medical directory, not only in terms of quantity, but also in terms of quality.

We are therefore more than proud of the fact that five doctors in our medical directory have been acknowledged at the MERCO Reputational Leadership Awards in the Medical Specialities Field, which means that they are among the 35 most reputed professionals in Spain.

These awards recognise medical professionals, hospitals and health administrations with the best reputation on the basis of various criteria, highlighting the clinical, research and management efforts carried out in our country.

These are the five doctors who have been acknowledged and can be found in our medical directory:

  • Dr Salvador Morales Conde, Head of the Surgery Department at the Virgen Macarena University Hospital and Hospital Sagrado Corazón in Seville, awarded with the Prize for reputational leadership in General and Digestive System Surgery. He also provides his services at Hospital Sagrado Corazón.

  • Dr Carlos Mateo, founding partner and ophthalmologist specialising in the retina at the Miranza Group, acknowledged with the Prize for reputational leadership in Ophthalmology.

  • Dr Julio Acero Sanz, Head of the Maxillofacial Surgery Department at the Ramón y Cajal University Hospital, awarded with the Prize for reputational leadership in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.

  • Dr Francisco González Llanos, Head of the Neurosurgery Department at Hospital Virgen de la Salud in Toledo, recognised with the Prize for reputational leadership in Neurosurgery. He also provides his services at Hospital Quirón Salud in Toledo.

  • Dr Santiago Moreno, Head of the Infectious Diseases Department at Hospital Ramón y Cajal, awarded with the Prize for reputational leadership in Internal Medicine. He also provides his services at Hospital MD Anderson in Seville.
